Our Application Process
And why we do it this way
Thank you for your interest in adopting from or fostering for FABS Rescue. We are dedicated to making sure the animal you adopt is the perfect addition to your family or that the animal(s) you would like to foster or adopt will be a good fit for your home and family. Our foster parents and volunteers work hard to make sure applicants find the cat or dog that is best suited to you and your family/your home, so our application process is designed to ensure the right match between our adoptable animals and their potential adopters.
PLEASE take a few moments to read the following explanation of our adoption policies as well as the steps that make up the process. You may be surprised to find that adopting an animal is more involved than anticipated or that it means you can't have immediate access to the animal(s) you are interested in adopting. It is important to understand that the process is the same for everyone/all potential adopters, and it is not our intent to frustrate you. This process and everything we do is for the best interests of the animals in our care, and is aimed at giving them the best possible chance of finding a permanent home.
Before submitting an application:
Please be sure you have all the information needed to complete the application thoroughly, paying special attention to required fields.
Failure to provide contact information for your vet, landlord (if applicable) and/or personal references will delay the process or could result in a failed application.
Please call your vet(s) office(s) to authorize them to speak with us. We need permission given to each and every vet your animal has seen in its lifetime. Vet staff will not speak to us without permission of the owner listed in their records.
If we call your vet(s) and they have not been authorized to speak with us, this will delay the application process.
Records of any vaccinations given at a clinic (Vetco, Tractor Supply, community vaccine drive, etc.) will need to be sent to us as part of the vet reference checks/history.
Applicants must be at least 25 years of age and in a permanent/stable residence of their own.
If the home is rented or you have an HOA which needs to approve an adoption, we require written documentation from the landlord giving permission to adopt the animal(s). The Landlord/HOA Consent Form must be completed and returned to us once your application is submitted.
There are 3 stages to the application process:
We will acknowledge your submission before processing. We are all volunteers and do our best to respond to applications within 3 to 4 days of receipt, but it can sometimes be a bit longer. Please be patient with us; we do respond to all applications received.
Reference checks. We first verify your vet reference(s)/history of care for existing (or former) pets. If there are no questions after we speak with the vet(s), we will then move to contacting your personal references. This can take 2 to 3 days and will go faster if you call your vet(s) to give them permission before you submit your application and inform your references (including landlord, when applicable) that we will be calling and to return our phone calls when a message is left.
If you rent your home or have an HOA that requires approval, the Landlord/HOA Consent Form must be completed and returned to us.
Home visit. A home visit is required for final approval of an application. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we began conducting home visits virtually/via videos which has made it easier/quicker than having to coordinate an in person visit, and also ensures there are no concerns around potential exposures for vulnerable household members. Once vet and personal reference checks are satisfactory, we will let you know and send instructions for taking & sending the home visit videos.
Meet & greet. Required for dogs only and scheduled only after the home visit/videos have been completed and the application is approved. We will schedule a meet and greet with you and your family, including any dogs in your household.
Meet & greets for cats/kittens are done at the availability/discretion of the foster family upon request of the applicant and also require home visit/final approval before scheduling.
We often get multiple applications for the same animal. It is our goal to place the pets in our care into the homes we feel are the best matches for the animal and are properly qualified to adopt; we do not operate on a first come/first served basis.
While we generally "reserve" an animal as we proceed through the steps of the application process, we do not promise an animal to anyone until after a home visit has been completed. If you are not quite ready to adopt at the time you are submitting your application (upcoming extended vacation, you are in the process of moving, etc.), please indicate that on your application. Depending on the timeline, we may ask that you check back with us once you are settled and ready to welcome a new family member.
The number of applications we receive can far outweigh the number of volunteers we have available to work on them, so applications can sometimes take longer than the estimates listed. If we should reach out with questions and do not receive a prompt response, we may move on to the next properly qualified applicant.
We don't ever intend to be frustrating or intrusive. We need applicants to understand that it's stressful and upsetting (and can be devastating) for potential adopters, foster families, volunteers - and most importantly, the animals - when adoptions don't work out and adopters back out at the last minute, or worse - the animal(s) have to come back to us. A bad adoption experience can sour some people on dogs or cats, especially on rescue animals, for life. So please try to bear with us and be patient and understand that going through the process the way we do really is the best policy—for all parties involved.
On behalf of all of the animals in our care and in rescue everywhere, THANK YOU for your patience, understanding, and helping to ensure the best interests and well being of the animals.